Piles Open surgery:

  • This is when there are high chances of infection or where the disease location makes wound closure difficult.
  • Local anesthesia is used to anesthetize the anal region and the area around the sphincter muscle is sedated. The patient won’t feel any pain from this procedure. This surgery can be performed in many different ways, including with staplers.
  • To operate on piles, the surgeon will make a long cut.
  • Because there are important muscles in the area, the doctor must be careful.
  • The wound is closed by the surgeon. This takes some time.
  • Because the procedure is complex, the first two to three days after surgery are extremely painful. The wound can be left open to allow it to heal naturally, or it can be stitched.
  • Open surgery recovery takes about a week. If there are any wound infections or bleeding, the patient may need to remain in the hospital.

Laser surgery for Piles:

  • This is the most advanced method of healing hemorrhoids/piles.
  • During the procedure, general anesthesia is administered to the patient.
  • The surgery is painless.
  • This technique is extremely helpful for treating severe hemorrhoids, especially if they are of higher grade.
  • This procedure involves inserting the laser fiber inside the rectum. Laser energy is then used to destroy piles precisely.
  • This is a very effective treatment for hemorrhoids that have not been treated in a while. The surgery is performed without scarring or wounds.
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes. After the surgery, the patient is able to go home that day.
  • Post-surgery complications in this minimally invasive treatment for piles are negligible. After 2-3 days, the patient can return to normal activities but must avoid strenuous work

If you or a loved one is struggling with piles, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist at Radiance Multispeciality hospital . Our experienced Surgeon Dr. Raman Singla can provide a tailored and comprehensive approach to ensure the well-being and comfort of patients, helping them regain control of their lives and health

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