Dr. Rimmy Singla explains that Indian data regarding average number of cycles needed in a particular age group is lacking whereas western countries have reported an average of 2 to 3 cycles in any age group. As the demographic conditions vary between continents such results cannot be extrapolated to the entire world.

Amongst the above, the miracle factor is AGE. The younger the female, the better is the prognosis in the first attempt. Females with age less than 35 years have a higher success rate as compared to women with a higher age group. But in such an advanced age group, donor egg IVF has a much better prognosis and higher success rates.

  1. Blastocyst or day 5 embryo transfer: compared to day 2 or 3 embryo transfer where success rates are around 30 to 35 % , day 5 embryo transfer results are more than double due to better selection of the embryos.
  2. Assisted hatching techniques: It helps in making the embryo shell thin resulting in higher implantation rates.
  3. ICSI: in severe male factor abnormalities ICSI helps in better selection of sperms and fertilization.
  4. Immunotherapy: highly beneficial for females with immunological abnormality
  5. PGT: genetic testing of embryos particularly in elderly females can help selecting euploid embryos.

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