Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as the involuntary loss of urine associated with physical exertion that causes increased intra-abdominal pressure (like coughing, laughing, running, weight lifting etc).
Read MoreDr. Rimmy Singla said that spontaneous pregnancy loss can be physically and emotionally taxing for couples, especially when faced with recurrent losses. There are some factors that are known to play a significant role: Chromosomal anomalies Hormonal imbalances Polycystic ovarian syndrome Autoimmune disorders Antiphospholipid antibodies Uterine abnormalities Unhealthy lifestyle Poor ovarian reserve There’s no treatment…
Read MoreDr. Rimmy Singla(Director Radiance Hospital) has extensive experience in treating patients of PCOS, endometriosis, advanced age, poor ovarian reserve, recurrent IVF failures & male infertility.LOW AMH Treatment at Radiance Hospital Mohali: This is an indication that women’s ovarian reserve is rapidly declining and thus might result in a condition of infertility if there are no…
Read MoreExclusive Interview with Dr. Raman Singla Dr. Raman Singla specially discussed about the single-incision laparoscopic surgery in which only a single small cut is made within the navel to perform the laparoscopic surgery, thus practically leaving no scar. During his interview session, Dr. Raman Singla, a chief laparoscopic surgeon and a specialist herniologist at Radiance…
Read MoreWHAT IS GALL BLADDER STONE SURGERY? Presence of gall bladder stones may require surgery. Gallstones may be asymptomatic(without symptoms) or symptomatic(show symptoms) Asymptomatic Gall-Stones: Asymptomatic gall-stones are usually observed. Only high-risk asymptomatic patients (those having more probability to develop gall-stone related complications) are advised for surgery. The High-risk asymptomatic patients are diabetic, person on chemotherapy & immuno compromised…
Read MoreFirst of all, it is a must for an infertile couple to see what a doctor’s qualifications?, How much he/she experienced?, How many infertile patients he/she has treated in the past? and whether all treatment facilities are available in the hospital(Radiance Hospital) or not? And either is a person roaming to different places to do…
Read MoreA Patient shares her experience of undergoing a hysterectomy from Radiance Hospital. Dr. Raman says that Hysterectomy or uterus removal is a surgical process that can treat various female medical problems. We have expert surgeons who perform the procedure to treat a range of medical conditions that may affect your reproductive system.
Read Moreरेडियंस हॉस्पिटल, शनिवार 8 अक्टूबर 2022 सिद्धार्थ अस्पताल में नि:शुल्क ज्ञान एवं प्रजनन शिविर का आयोजन कर रहा है। शिविर का आयोजन सुबह 10 बजे से दोपहर 1:00 बजे तक किया जाएगा। पंजाब मोहाली की मशहूर इनफर्टिलिटी स्पेशलिस्ट डॉ. रिमी सिंगला (20 वर्षों का समृद्ध अनुभव) सिद्धार्थ अस्पताल (एम.एन. कॉलेज के पास, लाडवा रोर्ड, शाहबाद,…
Read MoreIn Punjab Mohali, laparoscopic Surgeon Dr. Raman Singla specializes in minimally invasive gynecological surgery such as laparoscopy, which is used to identify abnormalities, diagnose disease, and treat certain conditions. In women, laparoscopy is commonly used to diagnose the following conditions: Chronic pelvic pain and pelvic floor disorders Endometriosis Uterine fibroids Ovarian cysts Ectopic pregnancy Gynecologic…
Read MoreRadiance Hospital Mohali is known as one of the best General Surgery hospital, specialized in all types of General Surgery, Advanced laparoscopy & Cancer Surgery treatments. Dr. Raman Singla is the one of the best Surgical Oncologists in Mohali, Punjab. Get one of the best treatments by experienced Onco Surgeons at the affordable cost in…
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