Dr. Rimmy Singla(Director Radiance Hospital) has extensive experience in treating patients of PCOS, endometriosis, advanced age, poor ovarian reserve, recurrent IVF failures & male infertility.LOW AMH Treatment at Radiance Hospital Mohali: This is an indication that women’s ovarian reserve is rapidly declining and thus might result in a condition of infertility if there are no…
Read MoreRadiance Hospital is the best IVF hospital in Mohali, Chandigarh, Tricity. Dr. Rimmy Singla is the best IVF and infertility Specialist in Mohali, Chandigarh. IN VITRO FERTILIZATION ( IVF )In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body in vitro (“in glass”). The process involves monitoring…
Read MoreDr. Rimmy Singla says, some women are born with enlarged labia, whereas others develop the enlargement due to childbirth, hormonal changes, or age. Enlarged labia minora can cause discomfort in tight clothing, during physical activities, and with sexual intercourse. Many women are very self-conscious with their labial appearance, as large labia can cause loss of…
Read MoreDr Rimmy Singla, a top obstetrician, gynaecologist, IVF Specialist, explains what causes vaginismus and how it can be treated. Vaginismus is a very painful condition where the muscles of the vagina tighten or tense in anticipation of pain. It can make penetrative sex very painful and often impossible.
Read Moreकोई भी couple जो baby केलिए प्रयत्न कर रहा है और जब कभी भी वह डॉक्टर के पास जाते है , डॉक्टर बाकी सारे investigations के साथ में AMH test जरूर करने केलिए कहते है। हर स्त्री को जन्म से दो ovaries रहते है। हर ovary में छोटे छोटे follicles होते है जिसे primodial follicle…
Read MoreDr. Raman is a pioneer in the field of Surgery in gynaecologic cancers & advanced laparoscopic surgeries. Dr. Raman Singla is one of the most eminent experts in Surgical Oncology & advanced laparoscopic surgeries with extensive experience of 20 years in open Laparoscopic surgeries. He is able to offer surgical procedures with shorter hospital stays…
Read MoreBenefits of Yoga during pregnancy Increases strength and stamina Prepares you for labor Reduces pain, fatigue and stress Provides moral support: Benefits of Yoga after pregnancy Facilitates quick recovery Lose weight Strike Balance between old and new life
Read MoreRecurrent IVF Failure? Here is what you need to know: Recurrent IVF failure is the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 3 or more embryo transfers in 3 or more fresh/frozen IVF cycles. In the IVF treatment, some well-known reasons for recurrent IVF failure are: Poor/ moderate sperm or oocyte quality Advanced maternal age…
Read MoreBariatric surgery can be life-changing for those who want to lose weight. But did you know that there are so many more health benefits to it besides just taking that weight off? Dr. Raman Singla explains that you need weight loss surgery or Bariatric Surgery if: You’re an obese adult, especially if you have a…
Read MoreUterine polyps are growths that occur in the endometrium inner lining of the uterus. For that reason, they are sometimes called endometrial polyps. Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus leads to the formation of uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps. These polyps are usually noncancerous, although some can be cancerous or…
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