Cancer is one of the most frightening diseases affecting millions of people across the world. It has been found that lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer are the leading types of cancers responsible for cancer related deaths. Cancer can be efficiently treated if it is diagnosed in initial stages.
Symptoms of cancer are not easily noticeable. High fever, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, changes in bowel or bladder function, unusual lump in body, bleeding during urination are some of the most common signs & symptoms of cancer. These symptoms do not necessarily mean that patient has cancer. However, if patient experience these symptoms, they should consult a cancer specialist(oncologist). Oncologist may confirm the presence of cancer by imaging tests like x-rays, biopsy or blood tests.
4th February marks world cancer day every year. The main aim of world cancer day is to prevent millions of lives by spreading awareness about cancer. It has become necessary to educate our society about cancer. The exact cause of cancer is still unknown but excessive smoking, tobacco consumption, unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity, contaminated environment are some of the major risk factors causing cancer. Food plays a key role in preventing cancer. Everyone should follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly in order to avoid any health problems.
Radiance Hospital offers low-cost Cancer Surgery from the best cancer doctors within your budget. The Cancer Surgery under Radiance Hospital ensures utmost care to maintain ethics in meeting patient’s needs.
Radiance Hospital is the best hospital in Mohali and has a lot of experience in different areas of medicine and they are focused on all new and updated methods of surgeries and cases.
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