Dr. Rimmy Singla said that “The thyroid gland is the butterfly-shaped organ in the front of your neck that produces hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism and affect vital functions. Fertility refers to a couple’s ability to conceive and bring a baby to term. Too little thyroid hormone can impact fertility in the many ways.”…
Read MoreHysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. There may come a time in a woman’s life when it is necessary to have a hysterectomy. Some of the reasons may include: heavy, painful or frequent periods abnormal growths called fibroids which can cause heavy painful periods or pelvic pain, prolapse or dropping of the…
Read MoreDuring her live talk, Dr. Rimmy SIngla said that PCOS is seen more often in Asian and north African women. Lifestyle patterns such as the way we eat and exercise can make the condition better or worse. INCREASE IN WEIGHT IS ONE OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT RISK FACTOR OF THIS CONDITION – which means that…
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